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Groundbreaking Health Sector Talks: European Wellness Explores Strategic Partnerships with Yiling Pharmaceutical

A delegation led by European Wellness chairman Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan visited Shijiazhuang Yiling Health City on November 21, where a discussion took place regarding a possible collaboration between European Wellness and China’s largest pharmaceutical company, Yiling Pharmaceuticals!

Among those in attendance were Tao Limin, vice president of the Hebei Pharmaceutical Industry Association as well as its vice president/secretary-general Mao Yuming, Yiling Pharmaceuticals vice general manager Zhao Shaohua, New Drug Research Center deputy dean Hou Yunlong, Health Research Branch deputy dean Li Xiaoyan, Health Technology executive vice general manager Wang Qian.

Zhao Shaohua, who welcomed the delegation, highlighted Yiling Pharmaceutical’s mission to benefit humanity through its innovations that create better healthcare – a vision shared by Prof. Dato’ Sri Dr. Mike Chan, who founded European Wellness in order to focus on research, development, education, and production of biomedical solutions based on stem cell therapy and regenerative medicine. Both groups view stem cells, in particular, as a technology that can be harnessed for the betterment of mankind.

The discussions concluded positively and point towards a potential strategic collaboration in the future. We’re looking forward to working together to revolutionise the health sector!

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