I’ve been off dialysis for the last two and a half months. And I cannot tell you what a relief and how grateful I am to be able to find an alternative method which we’ve found through Dr. Dmitry and through European Wellness to find a way for my kidney to regenerate themselves and apparently they are in the process of doing. I went from stage 5 kidney failure, to stage 3 kidney failure which is where I am now. I am continuing to take MO treatment and I’m continuing to improve in my health to both my heart and my kidney
Aliquam a ipsum nulla. Fusce eu congue tellus, vitae ullamcorper dolor. Donec ut dapibus eros, id mattis enim. Donec eu auctor ipsum. Morbi ac aliquet neque. Praesent placerat aliquam elit. Etiam vitae tempus sem. Vivamus sit amet tellus sed sem lobortis vulputate. Nunc accumsan, velit pretium.
Aliquam a ipsum nulla. Fusce eu congue tellus, vitae ullamcorper dolor. Donec ut dapibus eros, id mattis enim. Donec eu auctor ipsum. Morbi ac aliquet neque. Praesent placerat aliquam elit. Etiam vitae tempus sem. Vivamus sit amet tellus sed sem lobortis vulputate. Nunc accumsan, velit pretium.