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Dr. Bosco Zolk

Dr. Bosco Zolk

Medical Director

Dr. Bosco Zolkis a certified dental specialist with over 30 years of biological dentistry experience in Germany, Italy and Switzerland, specialising in diagnostics and therapies on dental material intolerances, postural and organic correlations, detoxification, biological revitalisation and functional medicine.

He is a certified practitioner of homeopathy, chelation therapy, kinesiology, Yamki-Therapy, thermography and hypnosis, and serves as a speaker and trainer for the Medical Association for Non-Conventional Dentistry (AMNCO) and Italian Association for EAV (AMIDEAV) respectively.

Trained in various biological medicine disciplines, Dr. Zolk’s specialty in dentistry enables him to understand human health disorders and degenerative diseases through a holistic biological perspective, emphasizing on dental health to search underlying issues for toxins, allergies, immune disorders and biological imbalances.

He is proficient in interdisciplinary Swiss biological therapies and protocols, including darkfield microscopy, chelation therapy, thermography, and bio molecular therapy for a comprehensive, regenerative and rejuvenative treatment.

  • 1979–1980
    Human Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology Degree at the Universität Innsbruck, Austria
  • 1981–1984
    Medicine (2nd States exam) and Dentistry at the Phillips-Universität, Marburg, Germany
  • 1985
    Specialization in dentistry at the Bayerische Julius-Maximilians Universität, Würzburg, Germany
  • 1986
    States exam certificate in Zahn-Mund und Kieferheilkunde (tooth-mouth-maxilla dentistry), Germany
  • 1995-1997
    Education in Homeopathy, Kinesiology, Yamki-Therapy, Hypnosis, EAV teacher in the Italian Association for EAV. (A.M.I.D.E.A.V.)
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